I’ve written before how The Afrika Reich came about (see A is for Apocalypse Now) but what were the ORIGINS of The Madagaskar Plan?
The plan itself is one of
those things that seem to have been in the periphery of my knowledge forever,
but I can remember the first time it focused sharply. It was in the spring of
2001 when I was doing the initial research for the first version of Afrika Reich and I was reading Michael
Burleigh’s history of the Third Reich. On p.472 there is a passage about the
Jews being exiled to Madagascar as an alternative to the Holocaust. The idea
was fantastical, intriguing and full of dramatic potential; I knew I had to
include it in the book I was working on. That was the ‘psychedelic’ version of Afrika Reich, the one that was too wacky
for its own good and was ultimately rejected by all publishers. In that version
there was an extensive subplot, told in flashback, about Burton the journalist
(as he then was) travelling among the Jews of Madagascar trying to get a scoop.
His failure to do so would lead him to the Congo and an even bigger story –
i.e. Hochburg.
The finished draft of this
book was huge, coming in at 240 000 words. Cuts had to be made and the
Madagascar strand was a self-evident place to start, a pointed reinforced when
an early reader from the publishing industry advised me that it was such a good
idea it needed more space. It’s a book in
its own right! she told me.
When I came back to Nazi
Africa in 2007 (see Y is for...) that piece of advice stuck with me. I knew I
wanted this new incarnation of The Afrika
Reich to be a trilogy and Madagascar seemed the obvious setting for the
middle book, with the original subplot expanded beyond all recognition into its
own story. This is what would become the novel soon to be published.
As an aside, the final act
of the psychedelic Afrika Reich was
set in the Sahara – and is the basis for Book 3. But I’m getting ahead of
In the meantime, I like the
idea how a single moment on a spring day would become a significant event in my
life years later. There’s something incredibly optimistic about that, something
we can all draw hope from. Because what seems trivial at one point may lead to
all sorts of unexpected places. Who knows, perhaps someone, somewhere is reading
this blog and one day will see it as the origin of their own adventure.
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